Since 2015, the Picki High Performance Growth algorithm has been selecting the best places to invest across Australia. Over that time it has been responsible for selecting over 400 million dollars worth of properties for property investors and has generated 110% higher capital growth when compared to the average.
Based on key market indicators
Poor New Projects Upcoming
Project Score
High New Home Construction
Supply Score
Low Employment Health
Employment Score
Consider careful evaluation as some key growth indicators are showing potential concerns in this area.
Retail Trade - 16.0%
Health Care and Social Assistance - 14.0%
Education and Training - 13.0%
Public Administration and Safety - 12.0%
Others - 45.0%
An assessment of which industry residents of this area are currently employed
Diverse employment lowers the risk to us as investors if we have a slow down with one large employer or industry.
Average Income
An assessment of how Gross income figures per household are changing over time.
It is not the actual income figure that is important, it is the rate of change that helps to create opportunity for investors. If incomes in an area are growing strongly, then the area may be gentrifying leading to strong capital growth performance.
The average time it takes residents to commute to their place of employment - a useful assessment for metropolitan areas.
When people are employed locally, the area becomes a place that residents typically stay put. Lower commute times demonstrate a scarce, well serviced area - a highly valued location.
Ordered by Best Projected Short Term Growth (Green = Buying window)